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College of Agriculture. Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman. Effect of different levels red pepper powder Alternative With flavavophpspholipol antibiotics, on performance, intestinal morphology and microbial population in broiler chicks. Iranian Journal of Animal Science Research , 11 2 , Iranian Journal of Animal Science Research , 11, 2, , Iranian Journal of Animal Science Research , ; 11 2 : Toggle navigation.
Introduction[1] In recent years, the advances made in the field of genetics, food, breeding, and marketing in the poultry industry have led to the use of modern methods and devices to achieve the highest production with the lowest cost in the industry. So today, food additives are used in the poultry industry to achieve high production with the lowest cost.
Medicinal plants contain substances called active ingredient or active ingredients are made and stored and have physiological effects are on the body of a living creature leave.
Medicinal plants due to certain compounds can affect the production and improving digestive and finally affect the bird feed digestibility. This plant contains active ingredients: Capsaicin and is capsanthin. Some antimicrobial compounds extracted from plants including: Terpiner, Betapinen, alfapinen, Linaleolandterpineol. Materials and method In this study day-old male Ross broiler chicks in a completely randomized design with 4 treatments and 4 replicates per treatment, were used from age 1 to 42 days.