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To browse Academia. They also give brief attention to other national experiences in the region. The essay explores legislative history from an empirical perspective. Eduardo E. The purpose of this article is to review recent history and recognize the evolution of the Peruvian intelligence sector and its process of democratization.
In particular to characterize the status of such process according to the typology of institutional change, to identify key actors, policies, practices, and substantive contents of the intelligence legislation, and to assess trends in democratization. Evidence indicate that the development of Peruvian intelligence, that has not yet fulfilled democratic standards, is strongly associated to the political regime and choices that prevail in power.
Intelligence and National Security, Vol. Special Issue: Democratisation of Intelligence. This article aims to contribute to the understanding of the intelligence democratization process in new democracies comparing three South American countries: Ecuador, Peru, and Argentina. Drawing on new institutionalism, historical moments and relevant events shaping the dynamics of intelligence democratization are highlighted for each case, depicting failures and successes, and identifying drivers of change.
This is particularly important in Latin America where remains a considerable authoritarian legacy in the intelligence agencies which are still going under a democratization process that is partial, discontinuous, belated and reactive to crisis.