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To the extent possible under law, the Text Creation Partnership has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above, according to the terms of the CC0 1. This waiver does not extend to any page images or other supplementary files associated with this work, which may be protected by copyright or other license restrictions. I think that in a work of this nature, i could not do this better that by directing my readers to the charts or plans accompanying it, in which they will undoubtedly find materials to form just ideas of the places herein described.
To reduce my work to some regularity, i shall proceed from the East, Westward, and begin with the Peninsula, dividing it into two parts, which i will call climates, the one beginning at Amelia or St.
Mary, Nassau, St. Juan de Guacaro, vulgarly called little Seguana, the river Amaxura, and the Manatee, which last falls into the bay of Tampe, or harbour of Spirito Santo, and which i have first discovered. Augustine, the climate changes so gradually, that it is not perceivable to the above named lat. John's Creek, and New Orleans, the tide was thought extraordinary high, but at all these last places there was no wind felt, being a fine serene day with a small air from the eastward.
The south and south west winds make a thick heavy air, and are in my opinion hurtful to the lungs; they also occasion the sultry weather, so much complained of in July and August. The winds from the east to the north are agreeably cool, and from the north to the north west, occasion what is here called cold weather; i. In the southern division i have never seen the mercury in Fahrenheit's thermometer below the temperate point, and i cannot remember ever to have seen it higher than in the northern division.