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Without voter ID card you can not vote in election You can use this service from official website. Any body can made correction in voter id or fill registration form for apply of new voter id card using help of this website.
Our website provides you complete details about how to fill up voter id card online registration for new card, eligibility criteria for new registration, status of your old voter id card or how to made correction in your old voter id card. Vidhan election will be started in March Last date for registration Applicant should be India and he lives in uttar pradesh.
Applicant should be completed his age 18 year or will be completed 18 year on 01 January Before fill registration form you should check the eligibility criteria for fill up voter id card online registration form. Firstly applicants open ceouttarpradesh.
If you want to apply for new voter id card than click on Apply online for registration of new voter. It opens Form 6 and fill your details. After filling all these details click on final submit button. Your name will be added up voter list. You can also verify your by click on up voter id card status button.