Looking for a friend close in Manama
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Hi guys I'm moving to Manama in 2 months and would love to get acquainted with a few people to make my move a bit less intimidating. I plan to move to Bahrain soon but will be coming there in the next months!
Would love new friends! Ok gentlemen, just a reminder to all of you that this topic is for I will be watching this topic thread to keep all of you on your best behaviour If not, it will be to say goodbye to some of you. Cheers, James Expat-blog Experts Team.
Don't worry girls, most people get anxious about moving and making friends, but once you get here you will be fine. There are lots of events and activities you can join and you will meet lots of like minded people on the island. I'm sure you are already in Bahrain. Hey everyone.
I just joined this site.. Id like to meet new people too.. It's not "Girl's Only," but the Expat Club has an event coming up and there are a few of us ladies. Hi girls, I came to Manama 10 days ago and stay in Seef area.