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It is perhaps best known for its winter sports centre and has twice hosted the Winter Olympics. Innsbruck is nestled in a broad valley surrounded by mountains and is as picturesque a tourist destination as you are likely to get in Austria.
In fact, the city hosts around 4 million day trippers a year in addition to 2. Fortunately, Innsbruck has got you covered for some XXX options as well. Prostitution in Austria is a fully regulated and legalised industry and as such you can find licensed brothels and other sex service venues all around the country.
Street prostitution is not legal and there are no red-light zones where you can find hookers working outside. Though you can, on occasion, be propositioned by a street walker, engaging in their services is against the law. Here in Innsbruck, and the surrounding area of Tyrol, there are estimated to be around a thousand prostitutes and sex workers with the city playing host to at least a few hundred of these. All are independent but may work as escorts as well as offering service in a regular laufhaus or brothel, FKK sauna club or strip bar.
Prices for sex in Innsbruck varies according to the type of venue you are visiting and how upmarket it is. However, you can also find Latina ladies and some ebony courtesans too. There are a few hundred escorts working in Innsbruck, some of whom may also provide services in one of the venues listed below. Most are independent although some use an international agency. There are more than 63 ladies advertising their services on this international directory. The site is free to use and you can narrow the results down using a range of filters including age, weight, height and services.