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Non-university research organisations are covered by the Equal Treatment Act, which foresees gender equality rather than affirmative action. Between the end of and mid, the then-Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection and then-Federal Ministry of Health and Women's Affairs jointly evaluated the instruments for enforcing equal treatment. The Austrian University Act contains a number of laws pertaining to gender equality and covers all public universities in Austria.
A new law on the proportion of women on the supervisory boards of listed companies and companies with more than 1, employees came into force in The associated pact for operationalises these goals. It highlights as essential the establishment and expansion of targeted programmes for the advancement of women, as well as increased consideration of gender aspects in evaluating funding applications and in filling management positions.
Since , it has submitted annual progress reports to the Austrian parliament. The Ministry for Higher Education defined two gender-related strategic goals to be implemented by the universities between and 1 improving numeric gender balance; and 2 closing the gender pay gap.
For the period —, the goal was for universities to develop a comprehensive understanding of gender equality. The performance agreements for added promotion of a diversity-oriented equality policy to the existing objectives of cultural change, representation and integration of a gender dimension in research content.