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Forum Rules. Remember Me? Last Jump to page: Results 1 to 10 of Thread: Sun November 07th - Sat November 13th. Add Thread to del. Sun November 07th - Sat November 13th. The smell and lather is just divine. Combined with the extra smooth, sharp properties of the Dovo 55, the end result was just phenomenal. GFT's Coral Skin to seal the deal and all was good. Big smile on my face. Great all around combo. Enjoy the week gents. Request: The SOTD has seen an incredible growth in both participation of our members as being the daily chatterbox for our brotherhood.
Thank you all for making the SOTD what it has become today. I and the rest of the team do have a request moving forward. Because the way we talk and interact with each other we have a tendency to respond to the same post by quoting the posted images and sometimes lengthy textual content over and over again.
This makes loading the pages very slow and also makes for extended long pages with the same pictures and text showing up several times after each other.
I hereby ask you when replying to a post to at least remove the image tag or images and if possible shorten the quoted text. I will post a sticky with a few examples for the uninitiated as to explain what to remove when quoting a post. It will help keep our SOTD tidy, organized, faster and easier to navigate. I will moderate this a bit in the early stages so we can make the SOTD even better.