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Another Australian brewery is in serious financial difficulty, following on from a series of craft brewers entering voluntary administration - and they all blame the same reason for their troubles. The latest casualty is the Gold Coast-based Black Hops Brewing, which has gone into voluntary administration due to mounting tax debts. Like the many other small and medium-sized brewers in the same boat, Black Hops has laid the blame squarely at the door of the Australian Taxation Office ATO.
Another Australian brewery is in financial difficulty, following on from a series of craft brewers entering voluntary administration - and they all blame the same reason for their troubles.
A man and woman drinking Black Hops Brewing beers are pictured. Golden West Brewing Co has entered voluntary administration beer cans pictured. In a letter to its investors, the company said its beer would still be made and sold while it was in the administration process, which is being overseen by Deloitte.
It sells around a million litres of craft beer every year and has found success with national distribution, but financial difficulties has led it into voluntary administration. The federal government's excise tax has been a major concern for independent brewers for some time.