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Share your interactive ePaper on all platforms and on your website with our embed function. Spring - Minnesota State University, Mankato.
Please do not enter the aisles to take pictures or video of the graduates. When the ceremony has concluded, we ask that you immediately proceed out of the arena. Gold ribbons signify summa cum laude 3. International Scholars wear a purple and gold sash with a global emblem. Alpha Lambda Delta is an honor society for first year students earning a 3.
Alpha mu Gamma is a national collegiate honor society for students majoring or minoring in world languages. Members of Delta Sigma Pi, an international co-educational business fraternity, wear entwined purple and gold honor cords. Gamma Theta Upsilon activities support geography knowledge and awareness. Greek activities.
This honor fraternity is for students earning a 3. The tassel that hangs to the side is switched from the right to the left at the moment the degree is awarded. The hood is to be worn by graduates of the College of Graduate Studies and Research. The velvet edging on the hoods indicate the specialty of study. The flag was commissioned in honor of the October Inauguration of Dr.